There’s something wrong still in American society when it comes to the celebration of MLK day. I don’t feel like it’s getting the level of commercialism as other holidays. Did I say that? Yes I did.
- A co-worker stated that he did not know that it was a national holiday.
- He shouldn’t receive invitations/notifications of African, Hispanic, Asian-American activities because we all are humans.
- The trash/refuse is collected on the bank holiday Monday, but no other official holiday. I don’t know if it’s in tribute to why he went to Memphis in the first place to help with fair wages for garbage collectors or in dispute of the holiday.
How can we take race out of the picture when race is the make-up of the country as a whole today like it was yesterday? Those who say things like why should there be a holiday etc have nothing to say about the 4th of July and other holidays that leave out those other than the original partakers of the American Dream—white rich land owning males. Now that the country has had a make over, and other than the latter mentioned receive recognition some want to take away the race related holidays. Now I'm not saying that MLK wanted it to be this way no--I'm calling it like I see it. I could go on with other examples of the negativity that exist; however, I, too, look forward to the dream that…
this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring! you feel that the MLK holiday gets its fair share of respect in America? If not, why?
1 comment:
Where I prefer to maintain my status as a lady, I am going to have to fall off my pedestal in the mud with women wrestlers and say, "hell to naw!"
The government thinks they did Black people a favor by making MLK's birthday a National holiday. In reality, he did them the favor by trying to teach them race relations, freedom, tolerance and fairness, but somehow they all missed the boat while our people got lured, tricked, hood winked and bamboozled onto the ship with trinkets. Whew. Can you hear me now?
Mad luv Zamounde. I hope you're well.
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