Saturday, February 18, 2006

Home Is Where the Heart is...

I've been gone a long time now from home (Detroit), all the family I know have family of their own almost grown if not already, too. I think back to that warm June night when I left to stay over in an old downtown hotel before jetting off to Air Force basic training. I wondered what would become of me and my wife of 2 years then. What a whirlwind of memrories flocking my finger tips, but I won't write all of that down. Let's see we went to England for 3 years where I traveled to Germany, Italy, and Africa. We lived in Charleston, and Sumter South Carolina for a 6 year stint minus a year for me spent over in Korea. Next we moved to the Little Rock Arkansas area for 5 years followed by about two years in Germany where we ventured over to Belgium, and France. Now here we stand just outside of St Louis 19 years later. The question remaining in my heart is where is home? I carried a safeguard statement for years you know "Home is where the heart is..." Well my heart is all over the world now for I've met a lot of people that became close like family. Yet somehow I still look back to Detroit and miss a lot of family for no matter what I say that is my home.

1 comment:

Supa said...

Home is wherever the heart is...!!