The Federal Executive Forum: Strategic Leadership Navigating a Sea of Change 11-13 August 2010 Branson, MO was a great experience and I should have blogged sooner. So with that said I will return with more info, but, for now I leave the following from IMPAQ on the A-Loop for accountability:
5 Steps from Issue to Breakthrough
1. Identify the Situation
2. Clarify the Intention
3. Where are you on the Accountability Model?
4. What can you do Differently?
5. Take Action
Personal Accountability Model
Accountability Loop:
-Intention--Situation Occurs and you Choose to
1. Recognize
2. Own
3. Forgive
4. Self-Examine
5. Learn
6. Take Action
Victim Loop:
-Intention--Situation Occurs and you Choose to
1. Ignore
2. Deny
3. Blame
4. Rationalize
5. Resist
6. Hide
A great book to read about the organizational game is "Empowering Yourself" by Harvey Coleman. I participated in this great seminar last year to which he was a part. Google him, and if you have time check out the link